Sunday, January 15, 2012

helloooooo future failures.

   just kidding just kidding we're all going to pass with flying colors. the only thing we're going to need to remember is that WE ARE BRILLIANT! we can't let anyone tell us differently because they aren't ap comp students. no one worry.
   the first step to success: don't complain to everyone else in class because we are all taking the exact same final. we don't want to hear about the fact that you still don't know what polemic means because we've gone over that at least two hundred and ninety seven thousand times.
  step two: don't forget everything we've learned since day one because it'll bite you in the butt on this monster of a test. remember toulman and the pentad and fallacies and alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the vocab words.
  and the final step: have some chocoalte for lunch because you'll need the sugar to keep your eyes open. that's not true the test is going to be so exciting you won't need a sugar rush!
   good luck everyone we're all smarter than we think we are so go out there on tuesday andd wednesday anddd thurday and kick that test's ass!!!!!!!

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