Monday, September 26, 2011

Jim Crow Laws

But these laws! They are crazy!
                For the nursing law, how do the people in charge know that the white men aren’t as or more dangerous then the black men! They probably have the same number of hormones! And how do we even know that black men are interested in white women? I doubt they are…
                Restaurant law, it is so unreasonable. If I were in the restaurant, I would grab my wall-scaling equipment and climb that thing so I could eat with my black friends.
                Intermarriage: THEY CAN’T TELL THEM WHO TO MARRY! WHAT IF THEY’RE IN LOVE?
                The burial law is my favorite. Why does it matter who they bury you next to? It’s not like you’re going to be chatting it up with them because you’re both already dead. And no one is going to see you lying next to each other so don’t even worry about your reputation.
                In the prisons, I think they should force the different races to room together. Since they’re so against it, it would be an even better form of punishment. And they’re all murderers anyway so what does it really matter?
                Finally, for the textbook law, the solution is just to not write your name in the front of the book. I’m an 11th grader and I figured that one out. I mean seriously.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Called Life

To say the least, yesterday could've been better. It was my birthday. My golden birthday to be exact. But it was not golden it was more rust colored. Or like pea soup colored. I'll give you a recap starting with Friday morning.
5:45 wake up, shower, eat a healthy breakfast (I had a race after school)
6:45 leave for school
7:00 arrive at school 29 minutes too early for a junior
7:00-7:30 chat with the amigos
7:30 nhs meeting that was supposed to last all of first block in which I had a test that I didn't study for seeing as I would be missing it.
8:00 meeting is over and I'm taking the grammar test. And by taking I mean failing
9:03-1:40 the rest of an average school day.
2:00 load the bus for the cross country race
3:00 get to the race
5:35 is racetime! Except go figure I race terribly due to my low iron and so then I'm in an awful mood.
7:00 get back in time for the game except I smell like elephant poop mixed with sweat so who wants to stand by me?
9:30 or 10 games over and I go to a friends house where we fall asleep at 12.
7:00 wake up for cross country practice, drive home to pick up sister, parents forget it's my birthday, out of gas
8:00 practice, could barely survive a 4 mile run #pathetic
10:00-3:00 work the concession stand for the soccer games ON MY BIRTHDAY and probably died of boredom 12 times
3:15-5 do homework because my parents are hard asses
5:30 Nat and her BF come over so I end up wheelin' until
7:00 birthday party kind of... more like just hanging out with a bunch of friends which actually wasn't too bad at all
7:30-10:00am was fun.

My birthday summary. But hey, looking on the bright side... I can go to R rated movies legally!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Superman and Me

Much like Sherman Alexie, I was brought up with books surrounding me. I was introduced to authors early on in childhood due to my parents passion toward well written literature and the intriguing content contained inside the compelling covers. I was neither required to read nor discouraged to so but, the encouragement of my older brother, parents, and teachers persuaded me to become a vigorous reader. Not once does Alexie mention his siblings' influence on his academic life, which I find surprising. Max, my older brother, began reading the Hardy Boys series around 3rd grade. The jealous kindergarderer that I was, I immidiatly began looking through books as often as possible. Not reading them but, flipping the pages becoming more and more memorized each paragraph. It astounded me that someone could write all of that much less read it. To be honest, I was aching to be able to read. I started with Dr. Seuss' classics and worked my way up to the Magic Tree House series over the course of a few years. I developed a love for reading that I doubt will ever diminish

why I write

From reading both Orwell’s and Didion’s pieces on why they write, it really made me take perspective on myself and what I am doing in an AP writing class. To be honest, I initially looked at the class because I know for a fact that having multiple AP classes on a college resume is a good thing. Soon after walking into the class room I realized that this wasn’t going to be an easy experience but, I didn’t drop the class. I stuck with it because I miss writing a lot. I haven’t written for leisure for who knows how long but, I remember when I used to I loved it and do it daily. Writing helped me escape my everyday problems and go into a world of important diction and syntax and imagery that could make your senses tingle. Why do I write? That is a very loaded question that has too many answers to ever document. Mainly, I think it is because I love to read. This may sound contradictory because the question doesn’t ask anything about reading but here is my reasoning: I love reading well-written literature. Poems that have to be dissected or books that bring tears to my eyes. And I want to write something that has that effect on whoever might read it. I would kill to write a poem like this:
Beautiful Woman
A.R. Ammons
The spring

her step

turned to
               It is such a wonderful poem that has infinite meanings; a different one to each reader. I write because I want someone to get goose-bumps when they read my piece and I want them to blog about how much they love it. I write for others because I want them to enjoy reading it. And I want them to have their own take on whatever message I am trying to send and interpret it however it helps them.

and here is the one i'm following: