Wednesday, September 14, 2011

why I write

From reading both Orwell’s and Didion’s pieces on why they write, it really made me take perspective on myself and what I am doing in an AP writing class. To be honest, I initially looked at the class because I know for a fact that having multiple AP classes on a college resume is a good thing. Soon after walking into the class room I realized that this wasn’t going to be an easy experience but, I didn’t drop the class. I stuck with it because I miss writing a lot. I haven’t written for leisure for who knows how long but, I remember when I used to I loved it and do it daily. Writing helped me escape my everyday problems and go into a world of important diction and syntax and imagery that could make your senses tingle. Why do I write? That is a very loaded question that has too many answers to ever document. Mainly, I think it is because I love to read. This may sound contradictory because the question doesn’t ask anything about reading but here is my reasoning: I love reading well-written literature. Poems that have to be dissected or books that bring tears to my eyes. And I want to write something that has that effect on whoever might read it. I would kill to write a poem like this:
Beautiful Woman
A.R. Ammons
The spring

her step

turned to
               It is such a wonderful poem that has infinite meanings; a different one to each reader. I write because I want someone to get goose-bumps when they read my piece and I want them to blog about how much they love it. I write for others because I want them to enjoy reading it. And I want them to have their own take on whatever message I am trying to send and interpret it however it helps them.

and here is the one i'm following: 

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