Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Called Life

To say the least, yesterday could've been better. It was my birthday. My golden birthday to be exact. But it was not golden it was more rust colored. Or like pea soup colored. I'll give you a recap starting with Friday morning.
5:45 wake up, shower, eat a healthy breakfast (I had a race after school)
6:45 leave for school
7:00 arrive at school 29 minutes too early for a junior
7:00-7:30 chat with the amigos
7:30 nhs meeting that was supposed to last all of first block in which I had a test that I didn't study for seeing as I would be missing it.
8:00 meeting is over and I'm taking the grammar test. And by taking I mean failing
9:03-1:40 the rest of an average school day.
2:00 load the bus for the cross country race
3:00 get to the race
5:35 is racetime! Except go figure I race terribly due to my low iron and so then I'm in an awful mood.
7:00 get back in time for the game except I smell like elephant poop mixed with sweat so who wants to stand by me?
9:30 or 10 games over and I go to a friends house where we fall asleep at 12.
7:00 wake up for cross country practice, drive home to pick up sister, parents forget it's my birthday, out of gas
8:00 practice, could barely survive a 4 mile run #pathetic
10:00-3:00 work the concession stand for the soccer games ON MY BIRTHDAY and probably died of boredom 12 times
3:15-5 do homework because my parents are hard asses
5:30 Nat and her BF come over so I end up wheelin' until
7:00 birthday party kind of... more like just hanging out with a bunch of friends which actually wasn't too bad at all
7:30-10:00am was fun.

My birthday summary. But hey, looking on the bright side... I can go to R rated movies legally!!!!

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