Friday, October 28, 2011


It seems like everyone I talk to has these monumental memories of Halloweens of his or her childhood. Was I deprived a childhood? Is my view of fun distorted? You may ask why I am asking myself these questions and my answer would be this; I don't like Halloween. My memories purely consist of jealousy over other costumes and arguments over candy. I've never understood why people are so in love with a holiday that is simply about disguising yourself and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Nothing about that is appealing to me. I used to LOVE Halloween. L.O.V.E. And it's not like there has been some scarring moment that I have witnessed or experienced. I just don't like it anymore. And plus. Lets be honest. We gain like 100,000 pounds a year. So, for my loving halloween memory, it's non-existent. Sorry to be a downer but... on the bright side... 55 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!

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