Saturday, October 1, 2011

President Obama's Back to School Speech Analysis

  • Started with a class of 2012 student as the one to introduce him. Immediately this makes the audience comfortable because, since the speech was directed at students, we could relate to her.
  • She spoke of "painful dilemmas," "minorities," "self-determination," and "it's up to me" which showed that it's possible to make it through the troubles to become successful.
  • When Obama walks in, he is dressed formally but his walk is casual and calm. He even hops up a step a little bit, waves, hugs the student, and says "Hey" as the first word of his speech.
  • Credits the principle, the mayor of D.C, Arnie Duncan (Sec. of Edu.) and their school which makes him seem modest because he's a bigger deal than any of them. The thought is nice though.
  • Welcomed "ALL" students; not just the ones who are there but, students all around the world so that we know that he is addressing us all.
  • Says that he understands the strain of sports, band, church, extracurriculars, facebook/twitter, jobs and the economy which develops trust between the students and him since we know that he has a sense of what we're going through.
  • "You're this country's future; you are young leaders." and the nation will depend on us. That also makes us more likely to take action because he is putting a responsibility on our shoulders and he trusts us to uphold it.
  • Repeats "you have to..." multiple times for emphasis
  • Pauses after most sentences throughout the entire speech to let the audience chew on what he said and to understand it.
  • He let's us in on a "secret" that he wasn't the best student. Lets the listeners relate to him but, almost undermines him because he is admitting that he hasn't always been as smart or as put together as he is now.
  • Doesn't change his hand gestures much except to point to the audience when addressing them directly.
  • "Diverse nation" was smart to include because the students in the school he was speaking at were of all ethnicities so, they didn't feel discluded
  • +60% of jobs in the next decade will require more than a high school diploma (logos)
  • We were 1st in the world with the highest portion of students graduation high school and now we rank 16th.
    • leaves time for the reaction: audience member whistles
  • Again gives us the responsibliity or upholding our nations future
  • Continuing education will lead to "better jobs, more fufilling lives, and greater opportunities for our children" is a good motivator for us because that is what we all want in the future.
  • "RIGHT NOW" calling us to action
  • He speaks of the parents who love us to death which creates pathos and ethos because he is speaking from experience.
  • Tells us that all levels of government are working very hard to give us the best possible education which is pathos because it's almost a guilt trip by saying that these people are working their hardest to ensure you a good life and you can't just throw it all away.
  • Seems to know ALOT about teachers and their feelings toward students which I found to be very clever because he includes them also since they are working very hard and long hours to provide for us.
  • Doesn't look down at paper at all when speaking of the amazing students who have done a lot of work so we know he is being genuine.
  • Pauses in clever places; for laughs, impact... ect
  • "Your country is depending on you" (responsiblility again)
  • Ends by saying "Lets get to work" so it lets us know that it will be a group effort to do well all around the nation in education.
  • "Thank you, God bless you, God bless America." I was surprised when he said God bless because I feel that will all the diversity, that could be taken in a wrong way but, he still got a standing ovation to which he waved and smiled.
  • Throughout the entire speech, he seemed calm and cool and collected and that put the audience at ease also.

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